Monday, October 1, 2007

Where the Hell is Matt

I first learned about this site on a podcast I listen too at where I get my technology new and reviews. At first I was disturbed by it because I felt that people were associating him with dance on the web. But then I realized that it was not about dance it was about people and dreams. I first learned this when I was dancing with Liz Lerman/Dance Exchange. We would go into these places and dance with people and it was never about movement or movement skill but connecting to people by listening to them and making sure they were heard audibly and visually. How fun to dance with people all over the world and share it. His message is that you can travel, it is not that hard and not that expensive. True, if you are a person of a specific socioeconomic class. I went to Jamaica my first year of grad school. I did not have a sponsor however. More than anything is makes me feel that I am doing the right thing. I may not get a sponsor but I am making art and I am doing what I love and if people want to see it, they can.

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