Friday, August 10, 2007

BWM 100

This is my 100th post on the BWM Blog and while it is exciting it is not as exciting as the 100th video that will be posted on Sunday on Dance-A-Day. In truth I have done more than 100 because the first month I was posting videos both here and Dance-A-Day but still it is a nice milestone. Yesterday I felt like a kid again as I was making my dances for the week. I did my usual dances in public places but I also went to the P St Beach and danced in Rock Creek and I found some stairs and danced in the woods and I did cartwheels and round offs for the first time in a very long time. I thought "not bad for someone who is about to turn 40." It made me think about kids a lot and how much I want one. I am not around kids much but when I am it just rocks my world, I love it so. I guess once I figure out what I am doing with my life I will look into adoption, although I fear it is not so easy for a single man.


Doug Fox said...


Congratulations on your 100th post and your upcoming 100th video!!

Unknown said...

Thanks Doug.