Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jan 31, 2010

Moments on the metro, dancing with a pulled muscle, the most entertaining and annoying operator you have never seen.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jan 30, 2010

Sometimes you need to take a break. Even when you are on the Metro. This is what happens when your train takes a short break. You have just enough time to dance on the platform.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Mad Libs

While cooking Bluefish and dancing we also did some Mad Libs.

Jan 29, 2010

We finally get to eat the Bluefish we have been preparing. Stay tuned to more episodes of Cooking With Dance. A special shout out to our newly married friends Esther and Kris.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jan 28, 2010

I am joined by the lovely Karen Ivy for this episode of Cooking With Dance. Now that we have all the ingredients for our Bluefish it is time to put them all together. Here is the recipe.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jan 27, 2010

Its another exciting edition of Cooking with Dance. Today we go shopping for some Bluefish. No we won't be singing the blues with this one. Its gonna be more than yummy, its gonna make us dance.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jan 26, 2010

I met up with my old friend Ron Brown at Dance Motion USA here in DC. Lots of dance people were there and I found a couple of seconds to dance before the dancing started. Check them out.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Jan 25, 2010

And now the conclusion of Dance Traveler in the Carlyle Neighborhood of Alexandria VA.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jan 24, 2010

Welcome to the first exciting episode of Dance Traveler. The show where we explore a new part of a familiar place. This episode features a new section of Alexandria, VA. Stay tuned for more episodes of Dance Traveler

Jan 24, 2010

Welcome to the first exciting episode of Dance Traveler. The show where we explore a new part of a familiar place. This episode features a new section of Alexandria, VA. Stay tuned for more episodes of Dance Traveler

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jan 23, 2010

Dancing in the night. It looks like daytime but really its at night. You couldn't see it if it stayed so dark.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Jan 22, 2010

He Sang A New Song

He sang a new song that brightened up the day
He sang his new song that brightened up the day
And on that day, he went away

Now in his travels, he sailed, he sailed
Now in his travels, he sailed right along
To find a young maiden, he'd sworn to love her
He'd sworn to love her so true, so true
He'd love this young maiden and dance in the sun
He'd love this young maiden and they would be one

They met by a river, a beautiful site
They cuddled while it flowed on into the night
An owl flew by and this he did say
An owl flew by and he did say
To swim would be fine on this good night
To swim is divine, tonight, tonight

They jumped into the river, the maiden and he
They jumped into the river and swam with glee
He sang his new song that brightened up the night
And he swam with his maiden in the river with delight

Now the owl was evil and owed the river a favor
The river, it roared, it tossed, it spit
The lovers then wished, that they were fish
The changed that very day, so fish they were
And they swam away

The owl didn't know of this miraculous event
His favor was done
His time well spent
Two dead humans meant nothing to him

And the river had fish
And the lovers did love
And in a river, in a river
A song was sung

© Boris Willis 1991

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jan 21, 2010

The thing about tragedy is that you forget it once something else takes over, unless it affects you directly. Then a year later the remembrance happens and you think wow, that was a year ago. Somehow it is strange to eat fancy Ethiopian food and drink fancy tea while reading about earthquakes and soldiers who fight terrorists over there so they don't get us over here.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jan 20, 2010

Today The Cooking with Dance Channel continues with Kitchen Ballet with Kate Jordan. How do you make your cake sparkle? You hope that you have shiny things in your house to put on it. Otherwise, what you have will do. Join Kate as she decorates her cake from Cake Improv. (oh and don't you mind her hair changing, or that she mixes a cherry red velvet cake and decorates a chocolate one with a big hole it. I fired the director of continuity during the shoot)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jan 19, 2010

Cooking with Dance Channel presents our newest show. Kitchen Ballet with Kate Jordan. Today's episode is the Cake Improv. Find out how to make a delicious cake with the ingredients you have around the house, that is if you can find the ingredients you need. If not then improvise. Kate takes calls from her adoring audience about their favorite cakes (never you mind that its her father) Stay tuned for future episodes of Kitchen Ballet with Kate Jordan.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Jan 18, 2010

To dance among solar trees that give light at night. To spin in squares public and open. Eggs, toast and fruit for breakfast. Young is the night. Slow love. Lovesexy. My name is. . .and I am sexy.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jan 17, 2010

Maybe you wonder what it is us tour guides do when we are out in the night. A tour is a curious thing. I show you something you recognize and tell you something you know or don't know about it. I send you off to explore and wait for you to return. You always ask if we are going to see the White House. You somehow think that talking on your cell phone as you sit right behind me is totally fine. You laugh at my corny jokes. You want to know when FDR was built because it wasn't there the last time you were in DC. You wonder if I can take you to your hotel. You thank me and make my night worthwhile. Let's do it again tomorrow.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jan 16, 2010

Sitting in a coffee shop reading about romantic love and how it, more than religion drives Western thoughts of the ideal. Fred and Ginger see each other across the room and begin their romantic dance only Ginger doesn't know it yet. Besides she has to do everything backwards and on the opposite foot.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Jan 15, 2010

Traveling across the empty landscape of my mind with images of the dead carried on doors as improvised stretchers. My world is calm, immaculate and privileged and the greatest of these is not on the list for what shall you do in your calm world besides watch in horror and text

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jan 14, 2010

Winter time and City Living Magazine is having a party. After the party Danielle and Julie got Todd and I to the dance floor at Habana Village for some Salsa.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jan 13, 2010

Wandering into the bookstore with a friend to browse. Words and bodies don't mix like sugar and water but can still be as sweet. You can find what you are looking for, unless it is not there or it hides in plain sight.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jan 12, 2010

No pants metro ride. Yes I did it with many others. The experience was somewhat unusual because of the stares and interactions, the immediate knowledge that you were like those crazy people walking around in their underwear in the winter. You were doing it just because. . . you wanted to.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jan 11, 2010

And now we continue with out show. Cooking With Dance

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jan 10, 2010

Do you ever pretend you have a cooking show, I do. I am watched by the untold millions. Todd is the producer, Debra is the voice over announcer and the show is called Cooking With Dance.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jan 9, 2010

The reality is that hunger roars. It is a strange thing. The body speaks to you by causing a centrally located sensation. The quest begins to answer that message. I must be off to the store.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Jan 8, 2010

Thoughts build and build with wild fantastic notions of being some idea that is both obvious and out of reach. Then I awake to reality.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jan 7, 2010

Sometimes things seem the same but perhaps that is because things are becoming clearer. Clarity happens in the deepness of sleep from time to time. This journey has just begun.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jan 6, 2010

Dreams are not still they wander through the places in your mind and construct anew the things that happen to you. Dreams re-purpose the events of your life. Do you sleepdance? Do you master the games of your life in your mind uninhibited by the voices of descent?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jan 5, 2010

I feel myself becoming awake now perhaps to dance at an empty night club. Well that's just odd. What's the point in that, oh wait, to dance wherever you are however you are. Joy.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Jan 4, 2010

So now I am dreaming. Things are random and well quite confusing. Dinner with Todd and his cat, perhaps I am hungry as I move into dream state. Ah yes but I can't eat yet because Sarah calls before I can eat my Burritto and says take the 11:30 Green

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jan 3, 2010

Perhaps then the best thing to do is to rest in the deep imagination of the mind and let the events of my life sort themselves in the unconscious places.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Jan 2, 2010

Then I wander to my place of comfort. The familiar items that sink me into grounding. Chocolate and soy chai fill my body, while knowledge of video game design infuses my brain. Movement for those who seek what is beyond survival when the heart is heavy.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Jan 1, 2010

Where am I going? I can't tell, but I feel my head spin with my thoughts deep inside. Somewhere along my journey the answer resides.