Friday, September 21, 2007

Holly Bass

Holly Bass is a performer and writer who I have seen and read for many years. Somehow we have never formally met, at least not that I can remember until this night. Holly was performing her piece "Show and Prove" and she came over to see Jane Jerardi's performance video. I was hanging out with Kitty Clark and Beth Burkhart and we all went over to see Holly perform. Beth decided that I should ask her to dance because that is what the performance was all about. However, because I had not read any materials or instructions about what the audience was supposed to do I was scared. SO. Beth brings me over to Holly introduces us and I say "can we tape it" So. We go inside where there is more light and Beth and Kitty take turns behind the camera. I sent this to David Morneau and he made some music.

David Says

"I think it's interesting to see how many people will walk by Boris when he's dancing in public without giving him a second glance (many of his posts demonstrate this behavior). I tried to capture that in my scoring by buring an old scratchy recording underneath subtly looping crowd sounds."
Check out more of David's site
Holly's site is here

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