Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sculpture Garden

Today is the fourth month of Dance-A-Day, yeah! This is also the second time that is has become really difficult to get motivated/inspired to make new dances. I think it is somewhat based on my work schedule as I am now working mornings instead of nights. I love having my nights off but I have not been excited about doing a dance in a new location just because it is a new location. After conversations with Bettina and Sonia I have been interested in creating more narrative works but those take a lot of planning and up to now I have not planned my dances in advance. I usually show up and create 6 or 7 ideas and post 3 or 4. For today's dance I was at the Hirshorn Museum and Sclupture Garden because I needed some inspiration. It was tricky dancing and recording myself because I had to leave the camera and my bag to dance among the priceless sculptures with security watching me on camera and in person. The confidence of my dancing was a bit like Brittany Spears on the VMA Awards but at least I don't appear drunk or hung over.

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